

Eesti sõjavägede ülemjuhataja kindral Johan Laidoner (1884-1953)
  -    -    -  Eesti sõjavägede ülemjuhataja kindral Johan Laidoner (1884-1953)

õli lõuendil, 2016, 117 x 85 cm

Seitsmes koht (esitatud oli üle maailma 1,083 tööd kokku)

Ameerika Portreekunsti Ühingu konkursil, mis oli korraldatud ainult oma liikmetele (Members Only Competition).

Portrait Society of America

Member’s Only Competition Winners

Dear Aapo,

Thank you for your participation in the Members Only Competition. This is our 11th year sponsoring this event and it is encouraging and inspiring to see a showcase of such excellent portrait, figurative and easel work being created by our members around the world. This year we received the highest number of entries ever in the Members Only Competition, 1,083, making the selection process very challenging.

We are pleased to tell you that your work was awarded a placement in the Members Only Competition as noted below. The top winning works will be featured in the International Artist Magazine and our quarterly The Art of the Portrait Journal. In addition we will be posting the winning entries on our Facebook page, blog and website.

We appreciate you taking your time to enter the Members Only Competition and supporting our programs. The complete list of winners will be posted on our website, blog and Facebook page by December 9.


Congratulations and thank you again for your continued support and involvement with the Portrait Society.


Winning Entry Title: General Johan Laidoner (1884-1953), 46×33.5″, Oil on canvas

Winning Entry Placements: 7th Place

Winning Entry Category: Commissioned Portrait



P.S. We have a new rubric for awards this year, in each category there will be 1st through 10th placements and then a select group of Finalists.
